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Select your desired show dates, reserve your seats, and buy your tickets to any show at any time of the year below using a valid email to avoid sellouts and the box office lines. If you'd prefer, tickets are also available at the door.
Our Spring Show

The Diary of Anne Frank
March 14th-16th & March 21st-23rd​
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm | Sundays at 2:00pm
​During the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, the Frank family, unable to flee persecution of Jews under Nazi rule, went into hiding with three other people. Anne, protected within the sealed-off upper rooms of the annex of her father's office building in Amsterdam, began to keep a diary describing how the group coped with the day-to-day struggles of life in cramped quarters, trying to shape a new normal living with the fear of discovery at every loud sound.
What is included for a season ticket holder?One ticket to each of the season’s mainstage productions. You may select your night and seat in advance via Ticketor.
What is the checkout process for a season ticket holder?Log in to our ticketing site at with the email and password you selected when you purchased your season ticket. Choose the production you want to see and scroll down to select the seat you want. Add the ticket to the cart. Once you are finished adding seats to the cart, go to checkout. You will see a button at the top of the screen where you can apply an individual or all of your season passes to this order. It will deduct the cost of the tickets at the bottom of the screen. Make sure to hit the reserve button to complete your order (without it your seats will not be saved).
How can I renew my season tickets?Log in to our ticketing site at with the email and password you selected when you purchased your season ticket. Choose the item that shows tickets for the current season. Add the appropriate type and number of season memberships to the cart and proceed to checkout. Enter your payment information and you will be emailed confirmation of your season passes. You can then go back in and make reservations.
Can I purchase season tickets for someone else?Season tickets are associated with a person's email address, so if you know their email address and then set a password, you could purchase the season tickets for someone else and then let them know the password you selected. They can always change this password on the main screen. An alternative is to buy them a gift certificate and they can set up their own account.
When are auditions announced?Auditions are announced 90 days in advance and can be followed on this page, in the events, and on our Facebook page.
What can I expect at an audition?Doors open 30 minutes early. You'll fill out a form with role interests and be given a script, number, and have your pic taken. The director will mix numbers in multiple roles to find the best fit. Break a leg!
Are there any requirements?Each audition is based on director needs and specific requirements are included in the announcement, but no experience is necessary. Stage Crafters also provides all audition material.
What will I learn as a Stage Crafter?You will learn teamwork, dedication, and what a theatre family feels like. As a bonus, you will have the joy of doing something beautiful for your community!