Need college credit or service hours?
We can take care of that! As a fully volunteer-based theatre, we are always looking to fill different roles. We have an exciting place for you to learn and engage while completing your requirements.
Community Service
Whether you need community service hours or simply have the big heart of a volunteer, we are always looking to for more hands on deck!
"The people involved are very welcoming and make volunteering for this organization not only fun, but give me a sense of purpose and community." - Leilani Jay-Peterson, Fort Walton Beach High School
Be an usher at shows and direct people to their seats
Work the front desk and help scan tickets
Help around The Warehouse for one of our many projects

We offer college credit to students that are broadening their educational horizons. Reach out to learn more!
Theatre majors looking to learn about live theatre
Marketing/PR majors to learn social, print, and web efforts
Other majors wanting to learn about nonprofit management
"I learned so much during my internship at Stage Crafters--from program and newsletter print layouts to website management. It was an inspiring experience!" - Jennica Blair, FSU Marketing & Comm.
Learning vocational skills is also a huge part of what we offer to people aspiring to learn more in their field.
Learn set construction, woodworking, and design
Gain experience in hair and makeup for beauty school
Hone your administration skills in our Warehouse office
"Working with Kevin for 5 consecutive shows and learning how to build sets that brought visions to life helped prepare me for my current job and major." - M. Renee Colbert, UWF Theater Technology & Design